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Restoration and New Development of Bregnerød Kro

7 February 2022

One of our very exciting projects is now one step closer to realisation. We have worked on the restoration and new development proposal of the renowned Bregnerød Kro, a historic inn in the Municipality of Furesø, north of Copenhagen, for Føniks A/S. The project comprises both restoration, transformation and newbuild. The two historic and conservation-worthy inn buildings will be restored and converted into a tavern, a distillery and a high-end restaurant. In addition, 29 new hotel apartments are being erected. The project pursues the long history of the inn as an important meeting place for both locals and visitors, and architecturally, the project is rooted in Bregnerød’s typology, scale and site-specific character. We are looking forward to the project receiving the final approvals and to continuing the great collaboration.

Read more about the project here