Ølstykke Chruch mchine building Elgaard Architecture
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Ølstykke Church – Machine Building

Elgaard Architecture has built a new 176 m² machine building next to Ølstykke Church. The building is located near the older office and staff building on the church square and serves as a workshop for daily operation and maintenance of hand tools and parking of light garden tractors and wagons as well as for storage.



Construction of new machine building

Ølstykke Church

Bredahl Kristensen ApS, Eduard Troelsgård Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S, Icopal Entreprise A/S, VVS Nord ApS

The new machine building is made with a foundation and cast terrain deck with direct access from the parking lot. The exterior walls are made as light exterior walls in wood with molded cladding on the outside.
Ølstykke Kirke eksteriør mandskabsbygning detalje Elgaard Architecture
Ølstykke Kirke eksteriør mandskabsbygning detalje Elgaard Architecture
“The exterior walls are made as light exterior walls in wood with molded cladding on the outside.”
Ølstykke Kirke eksteriør mandskabsbygning Elgaard Architecture

Restoration of Medieval Windows in Church
In addition to the construction of the new machine building opposite the church, Elgaard Architecture was responsible for the renovation of Ølstykke Church’s leaded windows in 2017-2018. In close collaboration with and coordination between highly specialised craftsmen, the leaded windows were carefully cut free of the masonry rebates, dismantled and transported to the workshop, where lead and windows were restored and defective parts replaced by similar materials.

Ølstykke Church was built around the year 1100.